
The Christmas Spirit

Helping or hurting. DMU students weigh in!

It is that time of year again, folks: the Christmas lights are on in the City Centre, Christmas music can be heard faintly echoing through small shops, Christmas greetings are whispered by those in passing, and thus, the happiest time of the year has begun. Or so they say.

I, for one, love holiday spirit. I love seeing kids sitting on Santa’s lap and pretty lights and the all-around friendly atmosphere this time of year. No matter what holiday is being celebrated, I love the bliss this season brings; the joy of buying a really great gift for your loved ones and the anticipation of opening up some wonderful ones yourself. I love seeing reindeer decorations in yards and I jam out to the Christmas tunes on the radio 24/7.

Yeah, it’s freezing and I can’t feel my toes sometimes, but there’s something about this month that just puts a little pep in my step. I think the more decorations the better! I want to eat, sleep, and breathe Christmas!

That being said, it doesn’t mean it’s the same way for everyone. Michael Cooper, a third year student at De Montfort University, when asked whether the Christmas decorations raised his spirits said, “No, really they just remind me of how much I need to get done before Christmas. I’d rather not think about Christmas in that case.”

Perhaps the ornaments meant to lift our spirits are doing just the opposite. Maybe they are reminding us of how much we still have to do before we can completely relax and enjoy the holiday season. Marie Brepsant, a Master’s student at DMU, answered the same question saying, “It is beautiful, but it just makes me more impatient for the Christmas break.”

Do we start getting ready for Christmas too early? Is that even possible? Could the decorations meant to bring us joy and anticipation be filling us with dread and stress instead?

There is one inevitable message that all of this cheer brings; it means the term is winding down and those deadlines are getting closer and closer for students. For me, seeing Christmas decoration reminds me that the term is almost over.

That I’ll be with family celebrating before I know it, but for others it can act as a constant reminder of the work that awaits them. Have you put any decorations up in your flats yet?

Kat Stubing


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